San Francisco Life Sciences Hub
Nestled within the Potrero Hill District, San Francisco’s newest Life Sciences hub promises to function as a vibrant ecosystem where a myriad of biotech start-ups converge.
The building, which extends the full length of a city block, echoes in its design this eclectic neighborhood’s industrial patina as well as the more formal architectural quality of its historic residential properties. Massing is expressed on a pedestrian-friendly scale by modulating the overall profile. Whereas the structure’s east face is glass-fronted, the north and south elevations are punctuated by restrained openings that echo the design language of adjoining brick factories. In addition, feature green walls, strategically interspersed across the façade, provide a further layer of visual interest while underscoring the development’s connection to nature and wellness. Designed for occupancy by multiple tenants per floor, this hive of innovation will also feature ground-level retail to support the active work/play lifestyle of its tenants and advance the city’s commitment to urban renewal through smart growth.
San Francisco, CA
180,000 GSF
Science & Technology
Office Buildings